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Leg Blasters
20x LEG BLASTERS ONE LEG BLASTER = 20x Air Squat 10x Lunge (each leg) 10x Jumping Lunge (each leg) 10x squat Jump
Filthy Fiftys
FOR TIME 50x Box Jumps 50x Jump Pull Ups 50x Kettle Bell Swings 50x Lunges 50x Knees To Elbows 50x Push Press @45 lbs 50x Back Extension 50x Wall Ball @20 lbs 50x Burpees 50x Double Unders
Act With A Purpose
PART 1 1 Rep Max Front Squat PART 2 5 Rounds 3x Front Squat @85% 1 Rep Max 3x Box Jumps 10 Meter Dumb Bell Crawl @ 2x 55lbs PART 3 5 Rounds 10x Thrusters 30 Meter Tire Drag 5x Glute Ham Raise PART 4 5 Rounds 5x Pull Ups 10x Dips 5x Rotator Scarecrow
Family Friendly Fun!
PART 1 7 Rounds 5x Dead Lift (increase weight each round) 3x Turkish Get Ups @ 35lbs 5x Ankles To Bars PART 2 5 Rounds 8x Hang Squat Clean @165lbs 30 Meter Tire Drag 10 Meter Dumb Bell Crawl @ 2x 55lbs PART 3 10 Rounds 5x Pull Ups 10x Dips 15x Push Ups
Honey Butter
PART 1 7 Rounds 5x Dead Lift (start at 50% 1 rep max, add weight each round) 10x Box Jumps @24'' 10x Weighted Sit-Ups PART 2 5 Rounds Heavy Bag Clean, Squat (3x) and Run 50 Meters 5x Bench Press (start @65% 1 rep max, increase load each round) 1x Rope Climb or 10x Pull Ups PART 3 3 Rounds 20 Meter Dumb Bell Crawl @ 55lbs 5x Glute Ham Raise