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Ventilation Driven Fire Dynamics for Fire Investigators/Fire Service
This video describes fire behavior in ventilation limited structures using live fire demonstrations, computer fire modeling (Fire Dynamics Simulator) and ATF field testing. The vast majority of fires encountered by fire investigators and firefighters are ventilation limited, meaning that the size and location of flames are regulated by sources of ventilation.
Clearing a Flooded Saw
This is one of those topics that usually generates many different opinions due to personal experiences. Anyone that has been around small engines, or enjoys working on 2-stroke motors will usually be somewhere along the lines of what we are going to suggest. With that said if you have different ideas or another way that is tried and true for you, then you are welcome to throw it in here for everyone to discuss. Troubleshooting a flooded saw in the field could make or break whatever task you have been assigned to. We all know that if the saws are not checked,...
Understanding Residential Fire Attack
The UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute is currently conducting a 3-year project on the impact of fire attack utilizing interior and exterior fire streams on firefighter safety and occupant survival. The project includes several sets of experiments to examine different principals of fire attack. Air flow experiments were conducted to determine how air moves within a structure dependent on the type of hose stream chosen and how it is applied given various ventilation openings and interior versus exterior deployment. Water flow experiments were conducted to determine water mapping within compartments based on the type of tactic chosen utilizing an interior...
Fireground Size-Up and How to Read Smoke
"Every Firefighter should know how to Read Smoke and recognize the warning signs of Hostile Fire Events. Proper Size-Up will not only assist with establishing a good Action Plan, but it can also save the lives of Firefighters. The "Art of Reading Smoke" was originally developed by Dave Dodson and has become very popular among Firefighters of all ranks. This type of training should become a standard part of every FF Rescue/Survival and Rapid Intervention curriculum. Train, Stay Prepared, Be Aggressive, Make the Save - SURVIVE!" Dale G. Pekel
Seat Harness - For a Personal Escape System (Bunker Gear)
This video will explain how you can make a seat harness and integrate it into your turnout gear to use with a Personal Escape/Safety System for as little as $4.00 - This can be a huge cost savings when compared to a $300 commercially made seat harness. If you are thinking of investing in a escape/safety system and money is a concern, this is one area where you can save a ton of cash! Train, Stay Prepared, Be Aggressive, Make the Save - SURVIVE! Author: Dale G. Pekel