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Grip Strength And Why It's Important To Focus On It During Training
Grip strength plays a vital role in being a First Responder. Even if you aren’t interested in Popeye forearms there are several other compelling reasons to spend a little time on your grip. Mortality There is a direct correlation to grip strength and risk of mortality, a study out of McMaster University in Hamilton named PURE – Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological Study – looked at a variety of factors over multiple years, one among them being grip strength. The researchers found that every 11 lb. decrease in strength correlated to a 17 percent increase in risk of dying by...
Building A Consistent Gym Routine
Finding consistency at the gym can be a challenge. We lead busy lives and between work, school, family, social engagements there’s not much left over. That’s why creating a routine is so pivotal for finding success in our training, there will always be distractions, but creating a habit will allow you to remain firm and consistent no matter what life throws at you. Let's look at the 3 Ps. Purpose – This process will not be easy or comfortable and if you are truly committed you need to know how and why you are motivated to make the change. It...
Maximizing Your Workouts: Why Aren't You Seeing Results
If you commit to something long enough there will be times when you don’t feel like being there. It’s okay, those days happen. We’re here to help you avoid them with this week’s breakdown. Pick A Goal “In the long run, we only hit what we aim at.” – Henry David Thoreau Life is chaotic, we’re constantly being pulled in different directions and having a solid and concrete goal provides us with a focus point and a reason for each decision you make. If your goal for Monday morning is to deadlift 500 lbs you are far more likely to...
Smoke Particle Infiltration into Firefighter Clothing
Exposure to cancer-causative agents in firefighting likely occurs on the fireground as well as in the aftermath of firefighting activity, particularly if clothing is not cleaned. Firefighters often complain that following a working structural fire, their work uniforms, underclothing, hair and even their skin can continue to smell like smoke, sometimes even after repeated showers. The fact is that fire smoke, which consists of particles, easily penetrates into the clothing ensemble. The problem is the unburned carbon that makes up the bulk of those particles, since the irregularly shaped, highly porous carbon particles adsorb and can continue to carry toxic...
"Put Your Pride On The Shelf And Get Help"
A long video but worth the watch. You may not be going through it right now, and I hope you never do have to deal with it.... but statistically you may and there is a high probability that someone close to you is going through it, will go through it, or has gone through it. Try to walk a mile in their shoes and listen ... be there for them. Lend and ear. Be compassionate (it's in our DNA). Help them or help yourself. Get some help. You (we) are not alone.