Fire Engineering's Handbook for Firefighter I & II -- 2013 Update

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The 2013 Edition of Fire Engineering’s Handbook for Firefighter I & II gives prospective firefighters, and those already on the job, the solid foundation they need to be safer and effective firefighters. Fire Engineering’s technical editor Glenn Corbett assembled an unmatched team of fire service authors and instructors to write on their areas of expertise. Focusing on history, science, experience and innovation, their combined expertise produces the best overall fire-training curriculum on the market.
Features and Benefits:
  • With the 2013 update, all JPRs for NFPA 1001 and related NFPA 472 standards are covered in one book
  • Includes unique skills and techniques tested and perfected on the job by Fire Engineering Books & Videos authors and instructors
  • Separate sections for Firefighter I and Firefighter II
  • Durable hardcover binding
  • Contains insightful interviews with chapter authors, glossary of key terms and more!

Includes spiral-bound, full-color Skill Drills book at no additional charge.

1,200 Pages/Hardcover/8.5x11
ISBN10: 1-59370-282-5