A Resource For The Classroom And For Life
The Raven Medical field guide was designed with two goals in mind; as a teaching resources during medical courses, and as a reference for field use.
As a teaching resource, the field guide is structured the same way Raven Medical courses are presented.
- Content is organized in the ATP (Assessment, Treatment, Plan) structure.
- Each section has a brief introduction, which includes basic anatomy or mechanism facts as background information.
- The front of the field guide has detailed explanations of patient assessment steps. It compliments in-class activities and reinforces patient assessment drills.
- The back of the guide contains all the Emergency Treatment Guidelines in the Raven Medical program.
The second goal is that this manual will serve as a remote medicine field guide reference.
Compact in format and printed on waterproof paper, the Raven Medical field guide is easy to pull out and refer to while taking care of a patient.
This Remote Medical Field Guide Is Packed With Features
What else can you expect from the Raven Medical remote medicine field guide?
- Several quick reference algorithms that allow responders to quickly review the steps in a procedure while providing patient care.
- An extensive reference of medical conditions, which allows responders to look up a pattern of symptoms and determine the best course of action.
- Each section has recommendations for evacuation beyond just the standard treatment provisions; this planning information separates the wilderness medical field guide from standard first aid manuals which do not contain anything beyond calling 911.
- Comprehensive description of commonly used medications; includes indications, dosing, and safety concerns.
- The transportation section has all-new illustrations on the various means of moving patients to medical help. Significant consideration was put into capturing the step-by-step process of assembling the “litter” or other devices. The hypowrap illustration is a great example; anyone should be able to assemble and package a patient in a hypowrap using the field guide.
The author, Len James, likes to quote his mother when she said, “a short pencil is better than a long memory”. The Raven Medical Field Guide is certainly true to this saying. It is the first resource of its kind and should be included in every first aid kit.
A short pencil is better than a long memory
– Len James’ mom