Firefighter Fitness Overhaul (E-BOOK)

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Introducing Our Newest Fitness Program - Firefighter Fitness Overhaul

A Study done by the CDC in 2014, found that more than 70% of US firefighters are overweight or obese, exceeding the national average for adults. Obesity is a major threat to firefighter health and safety and is associated with an increased risk of job-related disability, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. (The CDC is part of the U.S. Public Health Service of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Also called Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.) 

Digging a bit deeper we came across this quote from Dr. Stefanos Kales:

“Even though firefighters only spend 1% of their time engaged in active firefighter duties, 32% of all line of duty deaths resulted during or shortly after this time”.

After realizing that 50% of yearly line of duty deaths are caused by cardiovascular events, most commonly heart attacks, we knew that we needed to create a program focused on burning fat, basic nutrition, and building cardiovascular endurance. With this realization, we became laser focused on how we might be able to combat obesity within the Fire Service. The results of our efforts is this 12 week fitness program.



As already stated in our introduction, this program was created to help firefighters burn fat, learn basic nutrition, and build cardiovascular endurance. We wanted to create a program that could be completed any time, anywhere, with no extra equipment needed. This program will guide you through 12 weeks of intense bodyweight workouts combined with a proper running regime to melt fat, build strength, and increase your cardio. If you find yourself wanting to shed some lbs, have been struggling to keep up on the fireground as of late, or even simply just want to get shredded while building strength, this is the program for you.

This program includes:

  • Building your fitness foundation and creating habits
  • Sleep management 101
  • Understanding Nutrition basics for losing weight
  • Nutrition Tips 
  • Recovery Stretches for individual body parts to maximize your recovery days
  • 12 week fitness program to help burn fat, increase running endurance, and get shredded
  • 50 FREE Bodyweight Only Workouts
  • 3 Single Month Bodyweight Challenges

This is a 12 week workout plan with different fat burning workouts every day. You will be working out 5 days a week and utilizing 2 days of recovery. The layout is very easy to follow. There will be a warm up, bodyweight workout, and run portion at the end of each day. The running portion of the program will take you from beginner to being able to complete a 5km run with ease. 

The primary focus of this workout plan is to get rid of extra fat, get shredded, and build your cardio. The only equipment you will need for this program is a good pair of running shoes. 

One of the major things we wanted to focus on with this program was the Recovery Days. We have included our Recovery Solutions for these recovery days along with an explanation on how to utilize them properly in the Recovery Section of this program. 

We hope you enjoy the 12 week journey you are about to embark on!

*This Program comes as a download and will be sent to your inbox immediately following your purchase